Roadmap for GrapeSwap

Elevating the DeFi & GameFi innovation

2 min readJan 29, 2021
Grapeswap Roadmap

At Grapeswap, we’re redefining DeFi with next-level innovation.

Dive into an ecosystem where the DeFi veterans meet the curious newcomers, all exploring our state-of-the-art DeFi solutions. The financial revolution isn’t on the horizon — it’s already here.

Spread the word about our Pitch Deck and help expand the ecosystem!

2023/2024 Doing

Play to L$Earn Games on Grapeswap🚀 Dive into our gamified token offering ecosystem — accepting FIAT, Bitcoin, Credit Cards & more.

Grape’s Gamified Token Offering (GTO) — A revolutionary tool for launching and nurturing tokens.

$GRAPEUP Multi-Services Pools: New Staking, Farming, Pools, Rewards, Power UPs, Smart burn, APY, Auto-compound.

Grapenopoly V2 App New Metaverse + GameFi + NFT Marketplace + Play to Earn.

Long-term — Planning

  • GrapeSwap Open Development + Plugins: 202_
  • GrapeSwap Advertisement Web3 Platform: 202_
  • GrapeSwap Wallet Pay: 202_
  • GrapeSwap Bridge/Cross-chain: 202_
  • GrapeSwap NFT Marketplace: 202_
  • GrapeSwap E-commerce Tools: 202_
  • GrapeSwap Audit and Voting system: 202_
  • GrapeSwap Tokenization Wizard: 202_
  • GrapeSwap APIs: 202_

2021/2022 /2023— Done

  • AiOs — AI Price Prediction using Genetic Algorithm: 2023-March
  • Grapeswap Deflationary Mechanism: 2022-September
  • Grapeswap Community Marketing DAO: 2022-March
  • Grapeswap Football Booking Prediction: 2022-March
  • Grapeswap on Polygon chain: 2021-November
  • Grapeswap Wallet: 2021-October
  • Grapenopoly — Game + NFT — Play to Earn: 2021-September
  • GrapeSwap Order Book: 2021-July
  • GrapeSwap Multi-Chain Avalanche: 2021-June
  • GrapeSwap Improvements: 2021-June
  • GrapeSwap Ultimate Gain: 2021-April
  • GrapeSwap Rewards: 2021-March
  • GrapeSwap Farming LP token pairs: 2021-March
  • GrapeSwap Instant Buy: 2021-February
  • GrapeSwap Staking + Power UP: 2021-February
  • GrapeSwap Swap and Liquidity Pool: 2021-January

and more ideas…

programmable yield (code + flow + triggers)
metaverse + GameFi tools
VC tools
artificial intelligence NFT
reverse auction
new multichain browser protocol: grape:// nft://

Official WebSites:

Bug Bounty Program: Spot a bug in our system? Join our Bug Bounty Program. If you catch any glitches, shoot us an email at grapedefi @




GrapeSwap (GRAPE) — Strong DeFi Yield Farming, Staking, Power-Ups Gains, Rewards and Token Utility Ecosystem Multi-Chain.